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On the Issues

Voter Rights

Saline county does fairly well in the area of registered voters showing up to vote, with roughly 70% of registered voters voting in the 2020 general election. However, it is estimated that as much as 50% of eligible voters in Saline county aren't even registered to vote. Voting is central to democracy and a right all Americans should enjoy with little difficulty. This means we need to encourage citizens to register to vote, educate voters in the process of voting and on the issues and candidates, and then ultimately get them to the polls.


Animal Control

Saline county, including the areas of District 2 in particular, struggles with animal control. Cities like Benton and Bryant have their own animal control, but much of the county is left to handle (or not) the problem on its own. I want to see what can be done about that from a county-wide level. Washington county has a county-wide animal shelter, and Faulkner county is working on a similar concept through their quorum court. I'm researching and talking to people about what can be done at this level to help with this problem. In addition, I'd like to see what the county can do to help the groups that assist with low-cost spay/neuter and vaccine programs, whether that is through advertising or financial means. Fewer unwanted animals born means fewer animals wandering the streets. 



Paid for by the Committee to Elect Monica Davidson

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